Saturday, 28 December 2013

Snacky is not the same as Monaco

Snacky, Monaco, Same same, said the shopkeeper.

It wasn't, Snacky has 9.3% sugar, Monaco has 7.3%. Monaco crackers are the closest thing you can get to savoury biscuits in India. They taste a little like 'Mini Cheddars' which for reference are 1% sugar. This is the problem, the Indian sweet tooth invades all food. Western style white bread is almost always sweet, and it's a disappointment to find under your eggs any style. Unfortunately I'm cursed, I can no longer bear the taste of 'sweet salt' biscuits (most of them), so I alternate between Monaco and the pure sweet chocolaty varieties. There is some specialisation, tourist places make chai without added sugar to cater for the variety of tastes (always a shock when you forget and taste chai without sugar).

A classic memory will be the Kamat hotel (meaning restaurant) in Goa. Kamat is a chain which usually offer decent clean South Indian food, and I landed on my feet when the only cheap room I could find (Rs800, it's expensive there) was around the corner from a Kamat. I suspect they have had some complaints about their south thali before from non-Goans, the waiter apologetically produced a bowl of sugar with the meal in case it needed sweetening.

Tuesday, 24 December 2013

Internet cafe residents

So it turns out some unfortunate spends more time here than I do! I recognise an aged hippy from my previous two visits to Delhi over the last 6 months. He seems to live here and has an arrangement with the neighbouring cafe to have the food brought in. His favourite activity is watching heavy metal music videos and playing air guitar. One hand strumming up and down into his lap, tapping the zip. Viewed from the corner of your eye it's disturbingly like sitting next to someone masturbating.

Christmas in Delhi

So far only two unimpressive santas and one merry Christmas. I consider this the best so far. Bah, Humbug.


Not mine but perfectly described by a friend on the beach.

The people over on Paradise Beach were fascist hippies, you know, the kind which look at you funny if you don't have dreadlocks.

Back in India

The beach was nice, I wish I could say the same about Delhi. Cold, and with a blanket smog. Cough.