Saturday, 5 January 2013
The spree
An auto or taxi driver is a man who can stand in front of a sign which says 'Pondicherry 96km' and argue that it is in fact 125km distant. The use of a specific place name is because I have seen this exact case happen. It's not isolated, today I was told a post office which I well knew to be 500m away was some 3km distant. Or its even subtle increases, like the beach being 7km not 6km. Why, this is a fixed quantity, no measure of auto driver BS can change this. Knowing the exact price of petrol and 2 stroke oil sometimes ends the 'petrol prices' avenue of untruths. Perhaps even that the destination you had in mind is not open for some reason. My response until now has been to walk, or even better take a 2 wheeler. A single journey can make a 2 two wheeler cheaper and I can show the keys with a wide grin whenever I hear the word 'auto'. But with recovery needed I am forced to take the dreaded transport. My only recourse has been utter rudeness. For price walking off in the direction of travel until they agree to my pricing, or if they hassle me more than is reasonable telling them to F off. Should I flip, you will know me by the trail of burning yellow... but thankfully in paradise the mosquitoes can be ignored, even yellow and black 3 wheelers.
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