Thursday, 13 December 2012


I feel the people and animals who sleep in the road in India do so in the vague hope they might not have to carry on living. I have seen the most miserable horses and donkeys so far. Even people sleep with their heads just a short distance from the wheels of buses thundering by. Today a donkey slowly ate a piece of green cloth. I can best describe it with the words my empathy places in its mouth. 'Maybe I'll swallow it, maybe I will chew it all day long, maybe it will kill me, maybe it wont'

The pigs on the other hand love it. Its almost as if India was designed for them, abundant open sewers filled with buckets of tasty tasty waste. They root through the rubbish only disturbed by the dogs guarding their patch. Of course if anyone is stupid enough to eat pig in India they can never truly be sure if they are eating one of these lucky animals...

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