Saturday, 23 February 2013


Ayurveda is the traditional system of medicine in India, or as I like to call it, bullshit. Yes ignoring the placebo effect what can wearing different types of beads (at different costs) actually do for the body. If the herbal concoctions actually worked wouldnt these just be called 'medicine'. Ok I am not a total idiot, I know that the enormous cost of clinical testing is why many cosmetics and herbal remedies do keep their paramedical status. There has to be profit to drive clinical testing, and this requires protection and a large target market. Plants are regarded as a vast library of potentially useful molecules in medicine, so perhaps a herbal remedy could have some otherwise unrealised benefit, but then again it might also silently damage your kidneys. What guarantee do you have of the quality of a herbal remedy, and who makes it in their back room. Ok this is just pent up anger, the Indian tiger will be practically extinct in the wild within a few years and another traditional system of medicine (Chinese) is just one of the causes. Or perhaps this is redirected anger from Homeopathy, but I (or others that I restate) have finally solved this problem!

It's simple, we do nothing. A wonderful theory called survival of the fittest will take care of those who place their faith in homeopathy

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