Friday, 22 March 2013


Dear Scott, I've decided to write a short post about racism and cultural judgement. I may be some time.

In the meantime why not a brief intermission; after all nobody is expecting Obama's race speech or Julia Gillard's sexism condemnation. So what really goes on in my mind... "[guitar plays] A lovestruck Romeo sings the streets a serenade". Yes this is the mind of a music addict without any source of music for many months. It's not as if I choose what random track fills the part of the brain dedicated to this function. Now slowly unwinding with the help of fast internet in Delhi and youtube!

My mental playlist (unfortunately due to neurological copyright restrictions limited to 15 second portions of each track) is as follows
Dire Straits - Romeo and Juliet
Bright Eyes - Easy/Lucky/Free
Amander Palmer - Ampersand
Darren Hayman - Big Fish
The Magnetic Fields - Quick
The Killers.... I think my mind has created an entirely new song

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