Saturday, 29 June 2013

The overcrowded world of Soylent Green is here

It's India. At night you see it, people asleep on the main road between the lanes, on pavements, in gutters, on benches. The population growth is at best linear, at worst it calls for the people trucks..

It's starting to feel like home. The routine, the people, the changes. Somehow the touts and the beggars recognise an India-hardened out-of-season bum. I have another agreeing voice, the National Gallery of Modern Art is one of the must see places in Delhi.

If you want to see trapped minds, watch the passive aggressive cleaning staff of New Delhi Airport try and wipe out passengers with their cleaning vehicles. The trolley shifters take this to the next level by creating near unstoppable trains of trolleys, of almost unbelievable length and handled by up to 6 staff. These inevitably lead to collisions and humorous interruptions of the passengers leaving the gates.

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