The coast guard boat waves us back to land, but mistaking this for the usual small dictator behaviour we tread water watching the scene for a little longer. A tourist boat runs out to join them and they spend many minutes discussing something. The tourist boat eventually returns, but it is trailing a rope into the water. As it gets closer a bulge in the surface is visible at the end of the rope, some red clothing, a body. The bulge moves through the water, now just behind the swimming tourists, and up to the shore where the boat has landed. It remains here lying in the surf, dressed for a few evenings before in shorts and t-shirt, skin white and purple. There is a small crowd of police officers and concerned persons, but with time this group begins to disperse and make phone calls. The body is left alone, it lies in the surf, moored by a rope tied to an electricity post at the top of the beach. The Indian tourists have gone. The western tourists slowly return to the water, at first at the far end of the beach, and then closer.
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