This has probably been covered to death by wittier persons than myself, but what do atheists say in a crisis. It's a thought that re-entered my mind after the full volume "Jesus Christ" I emitted after stepping a rock surrounded by a 1.5m long brown snake. The snake was startled and quickly disappeared into the jungle, and sadly I was unable to find it again for photographs. This train of thought is not original, it begins with 'South Park' and their attack on the extremist atheism of Richard Dawkins. In this parody of religion, the cry becomes "Oh my science". It's also crossed my mind when English speaking Hindus in the south have uttered 'Oh my God (singular)', though here I may be falling back to 'The Simpsons' with Apu's "Oh my various Gods". I'm aware that exclamations in shock are probably not considered, but still have my own suggestions.
For Jesus Christ, and given my recent reading, the cry 'Charles Darwin' seems like it should be appropriate. But this is hard to say with force, as is Copernicus. Iff Richard Dawkins should be martyred to the cause of science I'll accept this name is far more catchy.
'A match made in heaven'. I'm guessing a match made in heaven is so good it is deemed impossible to have occurred by chance. In that case:
'A match so good it is well outside the 6 sigma deviation for match success.'
'In the name of God will you let me pass'. Many experiments not listed in the ignobels are in some way involved with improving the world for all mankind. In this light who could refuse a request in the name of science.
'In the name of Science will you let me pass five times, and let me not pass a further five times as a control'
'God save me'. Science is a lonely place, without any magic beings to befriend you have only mankind at your side. Accepting this, when all seems lost:
'May a plausible and explicable but clearly unlikely occurrence rescue me from the impending doom, yet accepting its likelihood will not be affected by these words, further excepting the butterfly effect whereby my expelling air causes unforeseen and significant consequences disproportionaaa....'
For Jesus Christ, and given my recent reading, the cry 'Charles Darwin' seems like it should be appropriate. But this is hard to say with force, as is Copernicus. Iff Richard Dawkins should be martyred to the cause of science I'll accept this name is far more catchy.
'A match made in heaven'. I'm guessing a match made in heaven is so good it is deemed impossible to have occurred by chance. In that case:
'A match so good it is well outside the 6 sigma deviation for match success.'
'In the name of God will you let me pass'. Many experiments not listed in the ignobels are in some way involved with improving the world for all mankind. In this light who could refuse a request in the name of science.
'In the name of Science will you let me pass five times, and let me not pass a further five times as a control'
'May a plausible and explicable but clearly unlikely occurrence rescue me from the impending doom, yet accepting its likelihood will not be affected by these words, further excepting the butterfly effect whereby my expelling air causes unforeseen and significant consequences disproportionaaa....'
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