Tuesday, 1 January 2013

New years day

Well its only right to have a swim on new years, show you have no fear of the elements, early in the morning ...when the temperature is barely above 20 degrees outside. Before the mid-day sun makes it... oh poor Europeans. Often you see rocky outcrops and islands and they look so close, and today I thought why not swim to it. Not sure why, I didn't even have any doubts... it is probably quite dangerous. So it turns out distances over water are deceptive, but thankfully the closest rock was only about 500m out and I quickly gave up on reaching the others (still keeping too much for the way back for anyone who has seen Gattaca). And as my writing this proves there wasn't any current. But really why are rocks so sharp? Despite all my care I have dozens of cuts on my hands and feet, and you can imagine the fear of sharks these small drops of blood can excite in the mind of your humble narrator! So later I get back to land and in Indian style they know these rocks to be 1.5km away, (google confirms this is in fact about 750m if you measure from the same point). And also that I should probably have worn gloves... and now I'm thinking about foot-gloves. Do they make marine versions of those 'shoes' with individual toes?

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