Monday, 29 December 2014

Mechanical Failures

I'm used to bus failures and roadside repairs, I've seen a Nepali bus belching black smoke fail to even make it over the boundary of the bus station, had an Indian minivan smash it's fuel tank 240km from civilisation, helped push start a south Indian bus, and suffered two buses lose tyres, but Laos is attempting to take the lead with two in three days. The first bus sprang a rather substantial leak in the radiator just a few hours in to a 13 hour journey. It's quite impressive that the driver was able to dismantle the radiator and have it running again in just over an hour. The second bus reached barely 12km beyond the starting point before it stops. It's an unscheduled stop, nothing is said. The engine starts again, it stops. Starts, stops. I can hear the distinctive sound of someone searching in a toolbox. I can smell diesel...

Its only half an hour until the cheery voice announces we're going again (in Lao). Engine rumbles, tickets rechecked, sick bags distributed. If I ever make the adventure sound glamorous, the old lady next to me is already filling hers.

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