I've been to the river a few times, just a military outpost on the other side to mark Myanmar's presence. It seems mismatched, the Thai side has a small town with a customs hut. Obama visited the country a while ago and for a while the world commented that despite some talk of democracy little had happened. Among the Karen community the story is worse, apparently the refugees are being pressured to return to Myanmar by the Thai government but arrive back with nothing. They speak of government troops shelling a Karen meeting just weeks before, Myanmar hasn't reformed, it's just open for business. I started to have these doubts months before when Myanmar kicked out Medcin Sans Frontiers, those known troublemakers dealing with the Ebola epidemic, for providing medical care to the Muslim minority. It's not ethical tourism, it's just a military backed government with allegations of rights abuses. But then I'm standing in one of those right now.
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