Wednesday, 15 May 2013


Pokhara is another one of those stops where time slows down. People leave Pokhara tomorrow, but if you do wait long enough tomorrow finally comes. The tourist trap is lakeside. It's not a bad spot, at the edge of the city, where the buildings are spaced just enough not to feel claustrophobic. The friends have gone and the rain has come as I survey my small world. Lakeside is one road, which keeps close to the edge of the lake. There are spots of grass here and there, where the buffalo wander about between their wallowings. The south 'expensive' end, with its mixture of serious minded trekkers and clueless tourists, up to the muddier Hippie end, with its clueless dreadlock'ed cliches. It's not that I've exhausted everything to do, there are fantastic roads for offroad motorbikes, road bikes... and even trekking. But something says move on.

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