Thursday, 16 May 2013

The Poverty Relief Fund

A number of Hippies here are tragically poor, they can't even afford basic essentials such as shoes. I'm not sure why of all the expenses they can't manage 500 NPR for some cheap soles, but it seems to be the case. In Nepal I have not seen a local person without shoes, this is clearly a new level of deprivation. Many Hippies will try and rationalise this suffering, a common theme seems to be a greater connection with the earth (OK perhaps I should stop laughing to myself and write 'Earth'). Covered as it may be with the excrement of dog, cat, cow, buffalo, goat, rat, bird... and indirectly human. Perhaps the feeling is better, this is a more natural way to walk.
Ok I admit I am telling a lie, these are India 'Hippies' gone north for the summer. Trance and party types with not a hair of variation between their dreadlocks. The shoeless fashion is after all not quite so vomitously upsetting as the London hipster listening to music on his iphone, with no shoes, on the tube. I'm glad they have escaped the oppressive lifestyle of shoes, the fascist system can't force them can it, yeah!

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