Tuesday, 11 June 2013

Internal Tourism

Domestic tourism is significant and growing in India (at least at the high end). The figures are roughly 6 million foreign tourist visits per year (as an export) and 700 million domestic tourists. Unfortunately domestic tourism is rather distinctive. Take the mountain town of Shimla, built by the British as a summer retreat and displaying some Victorian style architecture in a beautiful mountain backdrop. It's an 'official tourist place' and Indian tourists come in their thousands during the two months of the year deemed 'the best time to visit'. As far as I can see the main attraction in the town is the sight of thousands of other tourists... Domestic tourists almost always come as a family group, and almost always travel in a white car or white jeep, marked with the words 'tourist vehicle'. Because naturally a tourist has to come in a tourist vehicle (there is some permit related issue). As I leave the town I pass a 1.2km traffic jam of perhaps 200 of these 'tourist vehicles' waiting to enter. Not the place for me.

I feared for a while that this was simply an ungrounded prejudice of mine against Indians... something which I abhor. But then it struck me, the difference is that these are family holidays, or honeymoons. As a traveler you don't really want to be stuck in a resort full of either. Also as higher paying tourists, you can't afford to be stuck in a resort populated by this group. On the other hand, in a couple of glimpses of domestic tourism in Nepal, I've seen groups of Nepali men on walking and cycling holidays between the mountain towns. Refreshing.

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